Okeechobee County, FL Appraisers Directory
Last Updated: Sat, January 4, 2025
ROBERTSON REALTY & APPRAISING | Okeechobee | < .1 miles | (863) 763-8500 | GREG . ROBERTSON | 410 NW 2ND STREET, Okeechobee, FL 34972 | (863) 763-6900 | License: FLRD1743 Issued: March 28, 2008 Expires: November 30, 2026 |
VALUATION PROFESSIONALS, PLC | Okeechobee | < .1 miles | (863) 697-2166 | MICHAEL A. SUMNER | 256 SE 80TH AVE, Okeechobee, FL 34974 | (863) 763-1376 | License: FLRD5070 Issued: March 13, 2008 Expires: November 30, 2026 |
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