Logan County, IL Appraisers Directory
Last Updated: Wed, December 4, 2024
JOHNSON REAL ESTATE | Atlanta | 4.34 miles | (217) 648-5015 | GORDON K. JOHNSON | 301 SE VINE P.O. BOX 370, Atlanta, IL 61723 | (217) 648-5217 | License: IL553.001520 Issued: January 03, 2008 Expires: September 30, 2025 |
LIGHTHOUSE APPRAISAL SERVICES | Lincoln | 19.26 miles | (217) 735-3920 | WARREN C. GROVER | 1411 N KICKAPOO ST STE 223, Lincoln, IL 62656 | License: IL553.001288 Issued: May 17, 1999 Expires: September 30, 2025 |
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