Stephenson County, IL Appraisers Directory
Last Updated: Mon, November 4, 2024
JOHN P HILL & ASSOCIATES, LTD | Freeport | < .1 miles | (815) 235-1555 | ANTHONY . ARIS | 2015 WEST GALENA AVENUE, Freeport, IL 61032 | (815) 235-1564 | License: IL553.001422 Issued: August 08, 2013 Expires: September 30, 2025 |
FRIEDENBACH & ASSOCIATES | Freeport | < .1 miles | (815) 235-2222 | BRADLEY D. HARTOG | 206 S GALENA AVE SUITE 102, Freeport, IL 61032 | (815) 235-2229 | License: IL556.004928 Issued: October 30, 2013 Expires: September 30, 2025 |
ZIMAPPRAISALS, LLC | Freeport | 5.65 miles | (815) 541-3227 | CORY E. ZIMMERMAN | 524 W STEPHENSON ST, STE 103, Freeport, IL 61032 | (815) 371-3444 | License: IL556.003640 Issued: March 28, 2005 Expires: September 30, 2025 |
JOHNSON APPRAISALS INC. | Pearl City | 11.62 miles | (815) 297-3445 | JEFFREY E. JOHNSON | 222 S MAIN ST, Pearl City, IL 61062 | (815) 810-7536 | License: IL556.003140 Issued: May 06, 2014 Expires: September 30, 2025 |
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