Carroll County, IA Appraisers Directory
Last Updated: Wed, December 4, 2024
CARROLL COUNTY APPRAISAL | Carroll | 14.15 miles | (712) 775-2244 | JOEL B. RUNNING | 512 N COURT ST, Carroll, IA 51401 | (712) 792-2746 | License: IACR03177 Issued: May 03, 2019 Expires: June 30, 2025 |
KANNE REALTY/CARROLL COUNTY | Carroll | 16.35 miles | (712) 792-2776 | DONALD A. KANNE | 512 NORTH CT, Carroll, IA 51401 | License: IACR01394 Issued: June 11, 1999 Expires: June 30, 2026 |
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