Itawamba County, MS Appraisers Directory
Last Updated: Mon, November 4, 2024
FILGO APPRAISAL SERVICE | Mantachie | < .1 miles | (662) 231-4561 | DOUG . FILGO | PO BOX 568, Mantachie, MS 38855 | License: MSRA-579 Issued: April 24, 2001 Expires: September 30, 2026 |
PHIL MORRIS APPRAISALS | Fulton | < .1 miles | (662) 213-2213 | PHILLIP C. MORRIS | 203 EAST OWENS STREET, Fulton, MS 38843 | (662) 862-2200 | License: MSRA-905 Issued: September 03, 2008 Expires: December 31, 2025 |
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