Churchill County, NV Appraisers Directory

Last Updated: Thu, April 4, 2024
GREG JACKSON APPRAISAL SERVICE Fallon < .1 miles (775) 772-0325 GREGORY W. JACKSON P.O. BOX 5040, Fallon, NV 89407 License: NVA.0000276-CG
Issued: June 10, 1999
Expires: June 30, 2025
THOMAS L. RIGGINS Fallon < .1 miles (775) 867-3788 THOMAS L. RIGGINS PO BOX 5084, Fallon, NV 89407 (775) 867-3056 License: NVA.0000068-CG
Issued: September 16, 1996
Expires: April 30, 2025

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